Category: News

  • Why to Abandon Traditional Financial Services for International Money Transfers

    There is plenty of ads and mentions of new financial services on the Internet. They all sound compelling, but how often do people want to try new money-related services? There should be reasons to switch from what is well-known to trust some new provider. Here, we at Wittix consider why it is worth abandoning traditional […]

  • 6 Ways to Borrow Money with No Business Credit History

    6 Ways to Borrow Money with No Business Credit History

    A strong credit history is often a crucial factor when a company seeks to borrow money from traditional lenders. However, establishing a credit history can be a significant challenge for new companies or startups. But what does a company do with no business credit history? Let’s find out the answer! What to do with no […]

  • Engaging 8 Blogs on Finances

    Engaging 8 Blogs on Finances

    Are you looking for modern blogs on finances? Several exceptional financial blogs provide valuable insights and guidance on various personal finance topics. Since the economic landscape constantly evolves, I recommend checking for the latest rankings and updates to ensure the blogs remain relevant and active in 2023. Let’s start! Who are these blogs on finances […]

  • Financial Literacy: Empowering Individuals for Financial Well-being

    Financial Literacy: Empowering Individuals for Financial Well-being

    A 2017 survey revealed that 56 percent of respondents in the United States self-assessed themselves as having a moderate level of financial literacy. The latter plays a crucial role in the modern world, where individuals face complex financial decisions and an increasingly interconnected global economy. Can you relate to it and say the same about […]